Following the difficult events the feral warriors had to deal with in the first novel, Desire Untamed, the boys are now looking for their missing, treacherous brother and the soul-threatening evil clone of Tighe. The latter is the star of this novel and he is dangerously attracted by a human his clone failed to kill. For some mysterious reasons, she 'stole' from him the visions that would allow him to catch the evil being, and obviously he can't...
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I hereby declare All Our Yesterdays my favorite-book-that-came-out-in-2013-that-I-was-too-lazy-to-get-to-until-2014! I have no idea why it took me so long to read this one, since it was downright full of awesome. I am pretty critical of time travel books - it's quite an undertaking, and you better be up to the challenge of answering questions about paradoxes and possible futures if you're going to attempt it. And let me tell you, Cristin Terrill...
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I've heard so much about The Girl In The Steel Corset and for the most part, my friends had pretty mixed reactions to this book. I honestly didn't think I would enjoy this book and I expected to abandon it early on. Don't expect The Girl In The Steel Corset to be extremely serious, this is an extremely light-hearted, fun novel. This book was just what I needed to read and I am very excited to continue this series!Finley Jayne has a dark "Mr. Hyde"-esque...
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This week we are lucky enough to host miss Anne Leonard, author of Moth and Spark and discover what she likes to do in her free time! Please welcome her warmly :)Everyone knows what authors do when they’re writing, right? They stare at screen or paper, periodically move their fingers, curse at the phone, snack, get on Twitter, pet their cats, snack, stare at screen or paper . . . For this post, I’m giving you a glimpse at the Secret Life of Writers...
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KILLER FROST was a bittersweet read for me. It's the sixth and final story in the Mythos Academy series and while it is a suitably epic conclusion to the series, I'm sad to see the end of our time with Gwen, Logan, Daphne, Nickamedes, Metis, Vic, and the rest of the characters. And even though I'm not ready to let go of this world and its stories, I have to give credit where it's due: Jennifer Estep has delivered an extremely satisfying final book...
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It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Molly Harper’s writing style. The humor and sarcasm is right on par with mine and her characters are so easy to like. THE CARE AND FEEDING OF STRAY VAMPIRES is no exception to that, even if I have been reading this series out of order. While there was nothing extra special about this book compared to Harper’s other ones, I really enjoyed reading this one is particular. Probably because her characters felt authentic...
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Adult, Half Moon Hollow, Library, Molly Harper, Paranormal Romance, Pocket, Poison, Review, Simon amp; Schuster, Simon Schuster, vampires

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————*little update: I did not give birth yet, still waiting on the big day!For review:Hunt...
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I had the immense honor to be a beta reader for this novella, a strike of luck really because I stumbled upon Amy's requests for early readers, and let me tell you, I didn't have any negative feedback to give her! I really enjoyed this novella and it fits right into the spirit of this amazing series.The events of this story take place about 5 years after the events of Assassin's Gambit (Spy's Honor, the second book in the series is actually a prequel,...
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Tahereh Mafi's first novella, DESTROY ME, wowed me beyond belief. Getting into Warner's mind was absolutely stupendous and that novella is singlehandedly responsible for making me love him. Naturally, I was nothing short of excited for Mafi's second novella. However, I'm sad to say that despite the fact that the novella was satisfactory, it did not wow me at all.This was pretty much a re-telling of one of the last scenes in book two, UNRAVEL ME,...
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Borrowed, dystopia, Dystopian, Harper Collins, Paranormal, Review, Science Fiction, Shatter Me, Taherah Mafi, Tahereh Mafi, young adult
Wicked Lovely is one of the most popular paranormal books for Young Adults and it has a huge fanbase. Wicked Lovely has received quite mixed reviews and it seems that many readers either love it or hate it. In the right hands, Wicked Lovely will be the perfect book with it's love triangle, irritating main character, and Twilight-esque romance. I wasn't impressed with this book at all and I can't imagine myself reading any more of Marr's books.Wicked Lovely isn't a terrible book, it's just felt incredibly cheesy and dull. This is a book that...
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Fairies, Fantasy, HarperCollins, HarperTeen, Library, Melissa Marr, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Review, Wicked Lovely, young adult

TAKEN is the third book in Benedict Jacka's amazing series about Alex Verus, a mage with a gift for divination and a willingness to kick a bad guy in the crotch to save a life. He may not be able to throw down with the biggest and baddest in terms of sheer strength but he's still the one I'd bet on in a fight since he's cunning, practical, and ruthless when necessary, even though he's a good guy through and through. How can you not love a hero like...
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Marissa Meyer has had me hooked since the beginning of this series. The third book of The Lunar Chronicles, CRESS, is no exception. Although it's not my favourite of the three, it still has the same feel, the same comedy, and the same insane drama as the others. Based on the Rapunzel fairy tale, like the other two books, it's only inspired from the fairy tale and not a true retelling. I don't think I've ever read or heard the whole Rapunzel story but from what I know, what's really been retained from the fairy tale is the long hair and the tower....
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androids, cyborgs, fairytale retelling, Feiwel amp; Friends, Macmillan, Marissa Meyer, plague, Purchased, Review, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, The Lunar Chronicles, young adult

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————For Review:Kiss Of Deception by Mary E. PearsonDeep Blue by Jennifer DonnellyHalf...
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The life of seven unlikely people will change forever the day Father Value, Jackal (aka Creeps) hunter, dies on a mission. He died to protect a mystical book and his partner, Elly, will risk her life - and the one of many others- trying to keep it out of Creeps' hands. Will she succeed or will his death be in vain?I dove into Night Owls hoping for a good old urban fantasy, and while the genre is accurate, I'm afraid to say I wasn't impressed. This...
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Ace, Adult, Edelweiss, Lauren M Roy, Lauren M. Roy, Night Owls, Penguin, Review, Shifters, Urban Fantasy, Vampire

I can't even explain to you all the ways in which I loved the first book in this series, Splintered. It was dark and twisted and absolutely fascinating. Every plot twist and event all came together to end with a huge mind-blowing awesome-ness that I was completely in love with. I was bummed to learn it was a stand-alone novel, but also at peace because A.G. Howard did such a fabulous job wrapping it all up.But then a sequel was announced, since all...
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Doll Bones promises to deliver a creepy tale about a group of children who go on a journey to return a bone china doll to it's rightful home. Add in the fact that Doll Bones was 2014 Newbery Honor Book and is written by Holly Black, acclaimed author of The Curseworker Series. I thought that I would love Doll Bones for sure, but I was extremely disappointed by it and I felt that Doll Bones is a classic case of wasted potential. Doll Bones really should...
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It's been a while since we've done a Daring You To Read post and we've decided to bring it back with a bang! We will now host guest authors who will dar you to read THEIR favorite book! How awesome is that? I am super happy to welcome Maria V Snyder, author of the Study, Glass & Healer series. She's one of my favorite author and I hope you will welcome her warmly!----------------Published in 2002, this novel is one part science fiction, one part...
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Gosh, I love this series. Each instalment is more exciting and PHANTOM SHADOWS, the third book, is a thrilling mix of romance, action, and intrigue. I was really looking forward to it because I've found Bastien to be such an intriguing character in the two previous books. After all, Bastien is an immortal who thought he was a vampire because Seth didn't find him in time, resulting in a serious identity crisis. But he's fighting the proverbial good...
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I'm a huge fan of the TV series Firefly created by Joss Whedon so when I heard AVALON was being compared to it, I had to see what it was all about. In fact, it does have some similarities and I can see why fans of the famous TV show would enjoy this science fiction book. I think fans of the genre in general will enjoy this one since it has everything a good science fiction book needs: a spaceship with strong memories, an eclectic crew with...
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Avalon, Balzer amp; Bray, Harper Collins, Mindee Arnett, Purchased, Review, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Space, spaceship, young adult

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————*overly enthusiastic wave* Helen here for announcement time! I'm kinda back!...
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I've admitted it long ago, I'm a huge fan of high fantasy, and Assassin's Gambit definitely met my high expectations! Castles, assassins and romance, is there seriously something not to like? Not only is the set up amazing, Amy's writing is also smart and smooth! The closest comparison I can come up with is Sarah J Mass' Throne of Glass series because of the whole 'assassin undercover in the castle' situation, but the Heart and Thrones series...
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PUSHED takes place right where book one left off and let me tell you, I was so happy to be back in Remy's world. And while I enjoyed book one, this is a solid sequel that I highly encourage readers to pick up as soon as possible. Jackson is simply incapable of disappointing anyone. With that in mind, this is going to be a rather short review. It's hard to criticize something you don't have anything negative to say about unless you want to go into...
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One of the most frightening things about The Program is that it's entirely plausible. Most sci-fi novels are extremely far-fetched and require readers to suspend disbelief, but The Program is so very real. Suicide is an extremely serious issue and it's become so wide-spread that it's not too far of a stretch to believe that the government would institute something like The Program.I started The Program poolside and I only expected to read a few chapters...
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As most of you are aware, I am expecting another little girl in the coming month and this time around I decided to have a maternity/family photo shoot since I don't plan on having anymore babies lol.The shoot happened last week, and I thought you might like to see some pictures :)Please note that they were shot by a professional photographer but they were edited by me. It will take another 2-3 weeks before I get the final versions edited by the photographer...
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