**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco + Giveaway

Every so often I read a book that perfectly matches up with the time of year, and this was one of those times.  What could be more perfect than reading a delightfully chilling Jack the Ripper story in October, right before Halloween?  I was hooked on Stalking Jack the Ripper from the moment I received the book.  The back of the cover is minimalist, with a picture of historic autopsy tools and

He murdered women in cold blood.  He terrorized an entire city.  He taunted those of us who hunted him down.  But despite all these horrors, in the end, I could not deny it... I was the girl who loved The Ripper."

Chills, right?  And although the jacket copy refers to Aubrey Rose's love for The Ripper, the book is so much more than that.  It's about a wonderfully fierce and feisty independent young woman and a mystery too!

Aubrey Rose is an excellently well-developed main character.  She is complex and unpredictable.  Stalking Jack the Ripper is set in 1888, so the reader sees her daily struggle between what society expects of her and what she expects of herself.  Rather than going full-tilt rebel, we witness her desire to still befriend her much more feminine cousin and to not overly upset/scandalize her older brother.  I always find that it's a mark of great character development if the character grows or changes any over the course of the book, and Aubrey Rose definitely does.  At the beginning of the book she is a very bright young lady who is good at following her uncle's instructions to complete an autopsy.  By the end of the book, she is very much thinking for herself and making her own decisions both on the streets and in the autopsy room.

Stalking Jack the Ripper also has a secondary character, Thomas Creswell, who is an absolute bonus!  I just loved him to bits!  I'm a huge fan of "snark," and he has "snark" for days!  His demeanor and witticisms had me smiling often through this book.  I found myself especially looking forward to any extended dialog between him and Aubrey Rose- they both gave as well as they got in the sarcastic remarks!

Finally, the mystery- this was a really good mystery.  It kept me guessing straight up to the end... and maybe beyond.  ;)  I'm not giving anything away!  You HAVE to read this one yourself.  Kerri Maniscalco reveals only one clue at a time, with a couple of red herrings, to keep you hooked.  I work in a library and ended up reading the latter part of the book on the reference desk because I couldn't put it down!  Not only will you want to solve the mystery, but you'll also cheer for Aubrey Rose as she works through the clues in the male-dominated Victorian era.

This standalone book left me craving a lot more, so I was very glad to read an author interview in which it was revealed that there will be more standalone Aubrey Rose stories in the future.  Go read Stalking Jack the Ripper now so that you can gush about it with me, and keep your eyes peeled for further adventures!


Thanks to the publisher of Stalking Jack the Ripper, we're giving away one copy of the book and some lovely soap from Skull & Bones!  (Because stalking a murderer is dirty work!)  Enter here!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

15 People left their mark' :

  1. If money was no problem I would go back to finish my art degree. It's always bugged me that it's over half finished. I've seen this book all over the place and it sounds so good!

  2. Library Science is what I'd study. I want to be surrounded by books all day and help others find what they're looking for.

  3. If money was no object I would probably major in a few things like business management, English, and biology.

  4. I'd study to be a vet.

  5. OOoh nice review! I can't wait to read this one myself! It sounds awesome! Jack the Ripper has always intrigued me and I was always upset none of my classes ever delved upon it. But oh well I guess! Very nice review!

    As for what I would want to study? Haunted places! LOL!

  6. It IS good! I had chills at the end! Art is fascinating to me... I can barely do stick figures for Pictionary, so I'm always impressed with people with artistic talent!

  7. What an interesting assortment of subjects! I'm totally trying to think up a career for you that involves all three... maybe someone who writes screenplays for commercials that raises money for some sort of medical supplies for people in need?

  8. AWWWW! Helping the animals! Yes, totally.

  9. Haunted places! How fitting an answer for this particular book review. I've heard a rumor that the library where I work may or may not be haunted by a friendly spirit... you could come check that out for me!

  10. I would study to be an ultrasound technician

  11. I would study medicine to become a doctor or study forensic medicine.

  12. Aww! I immediately think of babies when I think ultrasound tech. (I know they do more than that, but that's where my mind goes.) Cool choice!

  13. Ooh! What a great choice. Either way, you're helping people!

  14. I would love to be a vet and spend time with animals every day :)
