OHMYGOODNESS! How much did I LOVE this book! I usually hate when a book has a blurb on the front proclaiming it "*famous book title* meets *famous book title*" but in this case it turne out to be so true. The Twistrose Key had a blurb saying it was a mash of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Golden Compass. So accurate!Eleven-year-old Lin has had a rough couple of months. Her family has moved to the city from...
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Alyssa Aronson has found herself in quite the quandary. Due to her position and talents, she leads a somewhat isolated existence. After meeting Mr. Brennan Craft, she may decide that could be preferable. First, however, she may want to find out who this man really is and what connects him with two opposites: a radical Muslim leader and an American billionaire.In Quantum Lens, we get to learn a bit about Alyssa and her adventures with Mr. Craft. As...
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Since I've been travelling for the last couple of weeks, I needed a fun and easy read on my kindle and this is the book that I came upon. It was exactly what I was looking for and I'm glad to have met these vampires.Jack and Sunshine are the main focus of this book and we first meet them in a alley where Jack is waking up and can't remember how he got there. What's more, he can't remember anything about the lovely young woman next to him who is in...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Jenn here, for the first time in months! Things have been busy, per usual,...
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Dacia and Lou are embarking for the trip of their life when they head to Romania to meet with their mother's family. A lot of secrets awaits them, and nothing could prepare them for what they will have to face.Silver in the Blood has a fun concept, but the execution was lacking for me. The first 50% of the novel is, I'll dare say, boring. It took me almost 2 weeks of reluctant reading, wondering if I should give up altogether, to reach the 50% milestone....
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Just a heads up, in case you've been locked in a bunker for the last decade: New Moon is the second book in the Twilight Saga. So if you haven't read Twilight, you might want to check out that review first.As I mentioned in that review, I'm reading these fresh. I never read them during the big hype about 10 years ago. In fact, I'm a little afraid to admit this, but I was a Twilight teaser. I teased folks who read...
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If you sell clothing in a small town, it can be very beneficial to have the attentions of a well known person of influence known for their style. Cookie Chanel may have agreed before she actually received such attentions if that person hadn't passed on before they met. I suppose the endorsement of a ghost wouldn't be received in the same spirit as it would from a living person. That is the least of...
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A quick warning: Spoilers for previous novels abound in this review! If you're not caught up, you might want to skip down to the giveaway. :)Gin's in a very different position in SPIDER'S TRAP: she's spent much of the series hunting Monroes and dodging assassins and now she's the queen of Ashland's underworld. "Reluctant" doesn't even begin to describe how she feels about it but her feelings become moot when someone plants a bomb on her...
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Adult, Assassin, Elemental Assassin, giveaway, Jennifer Estep, Pocket, Publisher, Review, Simon and Schuster, Simon Schuster, Urban Fantasy

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!—————— Hey ya'll! Hard to believe we're halfway through summer. (I...
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The Golem's Eye is the second book in the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. If you haven't read the first book, The Amulet of Samarkand, I recommend checking out that review first to avoid spoilers.Quite a bit of time passes between The Amulet of Samarkand and The Golem's Eye. Nathaniel is now 14 years old, and working for the government in Internal Affairs. He's very into keeping his profile low and his fashion...
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When the leading lady of a story is said to be 'heartbroken', we take this to mean she has suffered a tremendous emotional disappointment. Alas, if it were only so for Penny Farthing, for she had literally become heartbroken in that her human heart failed her. Due to the resourcefulness of her dead sister's fiancé, she was given a second chance only, this heart has likelihood of becoming broken as well. It's...
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However unsatisfied I am with this series, I think I will always keep coming back for more out of sheer curiosity. The Anita Blake early days were great. You knew what she was all about: fighting supernatural bad guys, using a lot of guns, and sometimes using a little bit of supernatural powers to save the day. Then came the sex and the ardeur, and that was fine, until it simplybecame too much. The most recent books feel like it's all about Anita's...
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Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, Berkley, Laurell K. Hamilton, Magic, Paranormal Romance, Penguin, Purchased, Review, shapeshifters, vampires, Zombies

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Greetings from the San Diego International Comic-Con!!!!!My family and I are...
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Have you ever wondered what the kids of Disney's most famous royalty and villains would be like? In The Isle of the Lost, Melissa de la Cruz explores just that! In this book, we follow the adventures of the teen kids of Belle & the Beast, Jafar, Cruella de Vil, Maleficient, and the Evil Queen. I was actually debating at first whether or not to review the book here on Tynga's Reviews, because all of the villains and their...
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This is a review of Club Dead, Book 3 of the Sookie Stackhouse series. If you haven’t read, but may someday in the future want to read the previous books, please come back once you have. Unless, of course, you like spoilers, because, I’m likely to spoil the heck out of the first three books right off the bat.Here I am in book 3 already, and I still, get a little tripped up by differences in the book Sookie and the TV show Sookie. Along with Sookie’s...
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This book is quite out there but I was hooked right from the start. Alien abduction isn't an original concept but the ideas in this book are far fetched enough to be innovative and entertaining. From the writer of The Madman's Daughter trilogy (which I still haven't read), The Cage is Megan Shepherd's first book of a new trilogy about alien abductions, love, deceit and survival.The introduction to the characters and...
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Abduction, aliens, Balzer amp; Bray, Harper Collins, megan shepherd, Purchased, Review, sci-fi, Science Fiction, Space, The Cage, young adult

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Happy Fourth of July! I'll be joining millions of Americans in barbecuing,...
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What could be worst than seeing your soul-mate die in your arms again and again? It's the hand Regin The Radiant was dealt when she fell for mortal Aidan the Fierce. She wasn't quite in love yet, but cared deeply for him, and after a night a weakness, when he claimed her in passion, he died in her arms, killed by a dreadful vampire. He loved her body and soul, and swore he'd come back to her. And he did, only to die in a similar fashion every time....
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This might sound crazy, but I think Sinner, the fourth and final book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy, is the best of the run! (An aside: I realize that the previous sentence is a little "off." Maggie Stiefvater set out to write a trilogy, but then her fans and publishing house pressed for a fourth book. She complied. Hence a trilogy containing four books.)I am fortunate to have a job that brings me into first-...
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To find that yourself in a position to aid in the understanding between your own culture and another can have its own reward. If it comes with a price equal to or less than your own gain, the rewards should be even greater. Then why does Olivia balk at being a part of a bridge between two cultures when she has so much to gain? Well, it might be the price of only rarely seeing her family, to include her fraternal twin sister. It may also be the other culture, who is from another world. An even greater disincentive might be she is expected to be...
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