**Notice** Due to transfering back from a godaddy hosted wordpress blog back to blogger, reviews published before june 2017 don`t all have a pretty layout with book cover and infos. Our apologies.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Stacking The Shelves [141]

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


Hey guys! I hope you had happy holidays! My daughter brought gastro home from day care on the 23rd, my husband then got sick and finally me lol. So yeah, no parties for us!

On a more positive note, here are the books I got in the last month:



Revenant by larissa Ione
Pulse by Patrick Carman
City of a Thousand Dolls by Mariam Forster

For Review:

The Truth About Us by Janet Gurtler
Becoming Jinn by Lori Coldstein
The Maze Runner (book and bluray) by James Dashner
Pirate's Alley by Suzanne Johnson

And here's my daughter making sure the books are good enough for mommy:


What did you add to your shelves?


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Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

43 People left their mark' :

  1. I couldn't get into The Maze Runner book but I really want to watch the movie! Heard good things about City of a Thousand Dolls. Enjoy!

  2. First time joining this weekly meme, Tynga, love the idea! :)

  3. Sorry you guys all got sick over the holidays, Tynga. At least you got some great books to keep your company, and it seems like your daughter's quality control worked well :)
    Have a great weekend, Happy New Year, and happy reading.

  4. Absolutely love the cover for City of A Thousand Dolls! And I really like Carmen's series. I have the final book for review, but haven't gotten to it yet! Enjoy your haul!

  5. City Of A Thousand Dolls grabbed my attention recently, too. GAH - so many books!

  6. Awww!!! So cute!! I still need to watch Maze Runner!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Your daughters are getting so big. Revenant was excellent. I hope you love all your new books. Pirate's Alley looks really good.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  8. [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as "pending" because: Human SPAM filter found "oy" in "comment_content". *]
    The Truth About Us! It sounds really good, I'm looking forward to that one. I've been meaning to read City of a Thousand Dolls for a while. The holidays were a mess for us, too. My son and I passed a cold back ad forth and then I got pink eye (twice). I hope that we got out all of our sicknesses now and it's smooth sailing for the rest of the year. Enjoy your books!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  9. Nice! I'm going to have to go check out that Pulse book and also Becoming Jinn looks intriguing. Thanks!

  10. Hope you are all feeling OK now. The flu is going around here and it does not match the flu shot. Of course I got it have been sick an a little over a week. I keep hearing I have a week to go. Worse part - don't feel like reading.

  11. Tynga, there was something going on at Michael's school before xmas and he ended up sick just before but thankfully he was all better by Christmas. The joys of daycare and school. BTW nice selection of books. I got the maze runner package too

  12. [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as "pending" because: Human SPAM filter found "oy" in "comment_content". *]
    I hope the books met the little ones approval and that you enjoy them.

    Happy Reading

  13. I love The Maze Runner! I'm reading that series right now. My kids always have to inspect my books too. They look at the cover and try to decide what it's about.

  14. [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as "pending" because: Human SPAM filter found "!!!" in "comment_content". *]
    What a cute little reader!!! So sweet!


  15. Hope you are all feeling better. There is currently a gastro bug going round my daughters daycare. Really hoping she won't bring it home.

    You have some nice titles. I was actually looking at becoming Jinn on netgalley just the other day.

    Have a great week and happy reading :-)

  16. City of a Thousand Dolls sounds so good. Enjoy it!

    Jillyn @ Bitches n Prose

  17. Nice haul this week. I can't wait to read your review on The Truth About Us. It looks like a cute read.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  18. [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as "pending" because: Human SPAM filter found "oy" in "comment_content". *]
    Cute pic! I'm reading The Maze Runner series to my youngest two children. My son is 10 and loving the books. I took him to see the movie in the theater when it was released, and he was thoroughly disappointed in how much it strayed from the book. That didn't keep him from watching it again when it was released on DVD, though. Hope you enjoy the books & movie!

  19. I watched it yesterday and liked it but there are some inconsistencies

  20. Thank you Lexxie you too :)

  21. I read the sequel and liked it so i back-tracked hihi

  22. Thank you! Yes I loved Revenant :)

  23. Totally agree! Aside from my wonderful daughter, 2014 was the worst year of my life -.- Hopefully this is behind us now!

  24. Thank you! My eldest is running a fever and coughing, hopefully its not too serious

  25. Yeah Lily had never been really sick, and since she started daycare there isnt a single week she's not sick -.- Shes coughing and had a fever now. grrr

  26. haha they are so cute! My daughter picks em up and runs away with them -.-

  27. thank you Nikks! I hope she wont bring it to you!

  28. I wouldnt hold my breath, ill probably give it to someelse because it's not really my style sorry!

  29. Thanks Alison! I liked the movie but I dont know if i'll read the book. its much more scifi then I expected

  30. Feel better and enjoy your books!

  31. Hi - I'm a relatively new blogger - how do you get so many physical books? I really only get digital copies.

  32. Those are books that were randomly sent to me by publishers, i didnt request any of them. I've been blogging for 5 years so they have my address from past collaborations. The best would be to build a reading ship, than you can contact different publishers to request titles. Good luck!

  33. Sorry to hear you were under the weather over the holidays. I love the cover of Pulse. You have some cute little girls. Did the book meet with her approval? :-)

  34. I got City of a Thousand Dolls last week, can't wait to read it. Great haul! You can check out mine in the link below.

  35. I loved The Maze Runner book and thought the movie did a good a job as it could with the material. Enjoy the rest of your books! ~ Bel
