Jan DeLima is a relatively new author but she really jumped onto the scene with CELTIC MOON. (If you want to see what I thought of the first book in the series, click here.) She comes back to her Celtic Wolves world in SUMMER MOON but now the focus is on Luc and Rosa, two characters who appeared in the first novel. It is possible to read SUMMER MOON without knowing the first book but I think you'll enjoy it a lot more if you read CELTIC MOON first.
In any case, here's what I thought of this brand new book:
In the aftermath of CELTIC MOON, Rosa finally has an opportunity to take charge of her own destiny. She's waited 300 years to rebel against the Guardians and, newly (and happily) widowed, Rosa makes her move and approaches Dylan for help. (Dylan is the leading man from CELTIC MOON.) Rosa goes in to their meeting looking for an alliance and a way out of a very creepy ritual and comes out with a new husband, Dylan's brother Luc. This was quite exciting for me because I was really interested in Luc when I read CELTIC MOON. He's got such an interesting history and was the impetus for so many important moments in the series mythology so I really enjoyed learning more about his past, particularly his marriage to a Native American woman. He's so much more complicated than you might expect and DeLima does a great job of delving into Luc's history and psyche. He's a great leading man for SUMMER MOON, and more than a match for Rosa.
We only got a glimpse at Rosa in the first novel in the series so SUMMER MOON is her chance to shine. She's such a strong character and her journey in SUMMER MOON is really something. After hiding herself for so long it's neat to see her embrace her strength, voice her opinions, and fight for her friends. Rosa has a lot to lose but she stands up for what's right, expecting very little for herself. You can see why her friends are so loyal to her, despite the horrible circumstances they'd lived under for so long.
Aside from the love story, there are also some interesting developments in the overall series arc. I won't say too much about these since they occur in the latter part of SUMMER MOON but I will say that I'm desperate to see what happens next. DeLima has set up what should be a very excited third book and I'm really looking forward to it.

I saw that my local library had Celtic Moon. Maybe I should check it out since it sounds interesting....