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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Chantress Alchemy by Amy Butler Greenfield

Chantress Alchemy allows readers to immerse themselves in a world of historical intrigue, magic and romance. This sequel brings back all of the amazing components of the first book in this series, while introducing a slew of new characters and exciting new story-lines.  Amy Butler Greenfield is an extremely talented writer who seems to bewitch readers with her immensely addicting plot-lines that compel readers to continue reading.

The Good:

  • The Historical Aspects: Greenfield recreates the court of King Henry with respect and care by including as much historical context as possible. The history always feels true and well-researched, all of the details seem to enhance the reading experience. This book's plot manages to tie into historical circumstances and never shies from including court politics and affairs of the time period.  The court politics were extremely engrossing and were one of my favorite aspects of the book. In addition, I always love seeing prominent historical figures in YA books and Greenfield's recreation of King Henry is impressive, making him one of the most compelling characters in this book.

  • Magic & Alchemy: Greenfield has created a fascinating, original magical system for Chantress that is extremely in-depth and well-thought out. I couldn't get enough of the Chantress mythology and it was amazing to learn more about these magical beings. Hats off to Greenfield for accompanioning the magic with alchemy, a wonderful combination that was executed so well. I've always had a fascination with all things alchemy related (ever since I read the Sorcerer's Stone years ago) and so, this book really hit the spot.

  • The Writing: Greenfield has a way with words and making everything sound so surreal and elegant. Her writing style is absolutely lyrical and is just as melodious as the songs that Lucy sings.

  • The Characters: The characters in Chantress Alchemy are incredibly interesting and it was amazing to see Lucy in action once again. Greenfield writes Lucy as a insecure, yet brave heroine that manages to make the whole "Chosen One" archetype feel fresh. I love how powerful of a character Lucy is, but how it never gets to her head by making her feel superior.


  • The (Severe) Lack Of Romance: I loved the romance between Nat and Lucy in both books, but their relationship is severely underused in this book. It would've been a nice reprieve from some of the court politics and magic to read about Nat and Lucy's relationship. What little romance that was in this book was excellent, it just needed to become a bit more prominent.

  • The Lack Of Female Characters: The few female characters in this book are bad-ass and powerful, but there are just way too little female characters in this series. The male characters outnumber all of the female characters by a huge margin, which is a shame considering that this series has a feminist feel to it. I truly hope that more female characters are introduced in the third book because it would also allow Greenfield to show different angles of Lucy.

Chantress Alchemy is a thrilling installment in a spell-binding series that fans of Clockwork Angel and Grave Mercy will absolutely love.

Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

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