I've always liked reading historical fiction but personally I've never liked reading books about WWII. There's so many atrocities in that war that I usually can't face a novel set during that time. However, when I read the synopsis of this book, there was just something about it that caught my attention. I don't know if it's the idea of a fallen angel living in occupied Paris or if it's the idea of a novel about a fallen angel in love with two...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Fear not, my daughter was NOT added to my shelves :DPurchased:Silver Shadow by...
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The Sin City Collectors is such a fun series! For those who don't know, it's a series of novellas written and self-published by a bunch of author friends. So far, there are novellas by Amanda Carlson and Kristen Painter, but more authors will join later on. Each novella is set in the same world, and featuring a different pair of main characters.This time around we meet Diesel, a werewolf who completely looses control on the full moon, and Sofia,...
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Today we have a guest post from Skyla Dawn Cameron, author of oh, a bajillion different books. :) I'm delighted to have her on the blog as part of a tour organized by Melissa from My World...in Words and Pages. Skyla's here today to promote the re-release of RIVER, one of her older stories and she's written us a great guest post about the joys and hassles of updating an older work.There's also a tour-wide giveaway with an amazing prize pack...
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Chantress Alchemy allows readers to immerse themselves in a world of historical intrigue, magic and romance. This sequel brings back all of the amazing components of the first book in this series, while introducing a slew of new characters and exciting new story-lines. Amy Butler Greenfield is an extremely talented writer who seems to bewitch readers with her immensely addicting plot-lines that compel readers to continue reading.The Good: The Historical Aspects: Greenfield recreates the court of King Henry with respect and care by including...
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Amy Butler Greenfield, Chantress, Fantasy amp; Magic, Historical, Magic, Margaret K. McElderry, Paranormal Romance, Publisher, Review, Simon amp; Schuster, witches, young adult

Today's guest is Angry Robot author Rod Duncan, who wrote one of the best books I've read this summer, THE BULLET-CATCHER'S DAUGHTER. I'm delighted he was able to accept my invitation to visit the blog and tell us a little bit about what he does when he's not writing.Welcome, Rod!Box sets. There is so much good drama being produced for television these days that I can’t keep up with it all. We seem to be entering a golden age. Right now I’m just...
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It's been a while since I've gotten my hands on an amazing steampunk story so THE BULLET-CATCHER'S DAUGHTER was a real treat. Rod Duncan has created an ultra engaging tale of intelligencing, intrigue, and illusion in this novel and it's pure joy to read.Elizabeth Barnabus is a great heroine living a double life from her houseboat. Everyone thinks she's a mild-mannered woman who lives with her twin brother but she's actually a quality intelligencer,...
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I had high expectation when I started reading this book because it sounded like a wonderful fantasy novel, with a modern twist. I was pleasantly surprised by the expansive fantasy world debut author Emily Croy Barker created. If it weren't for the modern main character that comes from "our world," this book would be lost on the fantasy shelves. What makes it stand out among the other fantasy books is that modern and relatable main character that...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————My turn! It's been a while since I've posted a StS. I have a decent amount of...
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During the summer Titus and Iolanthe were forced by out of control circumstances to be apart and now that school starts again, they will finally, they hope, be together once more.The Perilous Sea was quite different from The Burning Sky, because of the stakes, the emotions and all, but particularly because of its format. The narration alternated between the present and the past, starting with a weird present event that filled me with a raw need to...
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Here's my little Lily-Ann singing Let It Go from the Frozen movie. Note that my daughter doesnt speak English, hense the majority of babbling ...
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Between The Spark And The Burn is the amazing sequel (and conclusion) to Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea, one of my favorite Gothic novels ever. April Genevieve had the challenging task of concluding such an expansive and engrossing story, but the ending to this series is extremely successful and fitting. Readers won't want to let go of the Devil's hand and say goodbye to Violet, River and the rest of the Citizen Kane crew.River went missing and it's up to Violet and Neely to find him before he harms himself and others. This duo sets...
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We won't be having our usual WINW post today. Instead, thanks to the folks at Random House Children's Books, we've got one copy of THE STRANGE MAID, the second book in Tessa Gratton's United States of Asgard series. Here's a description of the series from the publicist:Set in the original, stunning world of the United States of Asgard, where the Norse gods are celebrities in an alternate modern America, the first four books follow...
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I was a few books behind on this amazing series until last month, when I went on a Jane Yellowrock binge. Jane's most recent outing, BLACK ARTS, builds on the awesome foundation that Hunter laid in SKINWALKER and then grew with each subsequent novel. The seventh novel in the series, BLACK ARTS takes all of the best elements from the series and puts it into one amazing, exciting package.In case you're not a reader (yet), you can get...
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Adult, Faith Hunter, Jane Yellowrock, Netgalley, Penguin, Review, ROC, Skinwalker, Urban Fantasy, Vampire, Witch

March 4th, 2015: We are still recruiting! Apply if interested :)I am very sad to announce that due to personal reasons, Helen & Lili are both leaving the blog permanently, after being part time reviewers for some time now. I am very sad that they won't be able to contribute anymore, and I wish them the best! What it means for Team Tynga's Reviews? We are opening recruitment once again.You love paranormal and dystopian books? Would love to share...
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The last book of this trilogy, The Book of Life, was published about a month ago but because I read Shadow of Night so long ago I had a hard time getting into the last book. This series is all about the details, and since there's so many and I didn't want to be confused with The Book of Life, I decided to reread the second book, in order to refresh my memory. Surprisingly, I never posted a review on the blog so this is the perfect...
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All Souls Trilogy, Deborah Harkness, demons, Magic, Paranormal, Purchased, Romance, time travelling, vampires, Viking, witches

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Before I begin this post, I have an announcement. I (Lili) have been fortunate...
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Back in 2011 Jenn dared us to read Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews, and I finally picked it up (better late then never right?). I've had the book in print for years, but there was a recent sale on amazon with each ebook in the series (except the most recent one) on sale for 2$ a piece so I jumped on the opportunity and read it on my kindle (which is much more convenient for middle of the night reading).Magic Bites takes place in a dystopian set up where...
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I really don't read poetry and I thought that reading Poisoned Apples would be a chance to expand my reading horizons. A poetry book that addresses real life scenarios using fairy-tales sounded like the perfect kind of book for me. Poisoned Apples is a short, yet interesting collection of poems, but I wasn't overly impressed with it and I found that it wasn't quite what I expected. I think part of my distaste with Poisoned Apples stems from the fact that poetry isn't really my thing and this collection failed to further my appreciation of poetry...
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Christine Heppermann, Edelweiss, fairy tale, Fantasy, Greenwillow Books, Harper Collins, Poetry, Publisher, Review, stand-alone, YA, young adult

A CURSE AWAKENED is a prequel to Cecy Robson's Weird Girls series so you need to go in expecting the girls to be less mature and much more inexperienced. The differences between the sisters in this novel and where we left them at the end of CURSED BY DESTINY are dramatic, particularly when it comes to Celia, so it took me a moment to adjust to the way the girls behave in A CURSE AWAKENED. Don't get me wrong, they're still essentially the same but...
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When I picked up this book and started reading a few pages, I started to wonder, "Do I really want to read another steampunk?" The answer was yes but for some reason, I had a hard time getting into this one. Since I thought Steven Harper had created a wonderful world in his first attempt at steampunk in THE DOOMSDAY VAULT, I think my expectations were too high and THE IMPOSSIBLE CUBE kind of fell short. I was expecting more romance, more gadgets...
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Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!——————Hey guys! sorry for the delay, the person who was suppose to post today apparently...
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I don't review books I don't finish very often, mostly because I usually stop fairly early in the novel, but I read 60% of Love Potions before I decided to give up and I taught it deserved a review.Love Potions is about an immortal warlock who falls in love at first sight with Lydia, mortal granddaughter of a self-proclaimed witch, and his terrible attempts at seducing her. I have some big issues with this novel, and the first signs of trouble appeared...
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As a child, I played the legendary game of Bloody Mary and I still remember standing by the mirror with the lights off, frightened for my life. Bloody Mary is such a cultural cornerstone and Hillary Monahan brings her to life in such a wonderfully, grotesque form. Mary: The Summoning was a surprisingly scary novel, this is just what readers will want to read to get goosebumps down their spine. Few YA horror novels are as great as Monahan's debut and I'd love to see more novels like Mary: The Summoning on the market.This is a novel about...
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Our guest this week is indie author Hadley Holt. She has recently released a young adult e-serial called Wizard Queen at Sixteen, which sounds like it could be quite fun. She's written a nice post for us so please enjoy getting to know Hadley Holt! When I’m not writing, (or doing financial consulting, or cleaning house), I love to read, to bead, to cook, and to watch movies (or a favorite TV/ cable series). I considered saying read, bead, and...
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