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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

"When I'm not writing" with Kristin Miller + giveaway!

Kristin MillerThis week, we're welcoming Entangled author Kristin Miller to the blog as part of her virtual tour for FOUR WEDDINGS AND A WEREWOLF, the second book in her Seattle Wolf Pack series. She's put together a really neat post for us today, which I think you'll enjoy. And there's a nice tour-wide giveaway with some exciting prizes so make sure you toss your (virtual) hat in the ring!


"When I'm not writing" logo

Hello, I’m Kristin Miller, and I have an obsession with all things Titanic.

Whew. I feel better admitting that aloud.

Seriously though, I’ve been an avid collector of Titanic memorabilia since the late 1980’s, well before Jack, Rose, and the “Heart of the Ocean” came on scene. I read my first Titanic book in fourth grade, and was so intrigued by the building of the ship, the disaster, and the separation of classes during the sinking. I convinced my mom to take me to the used bookstore so I could find more books on it. (New bookstores didn’t have books on the Titanic like they do now.) In that used bookstore, I found my second book on the Titanic with a copy of the deck plans folded in the back cover sleeve.

I. Was. Hooked.

Over the next twenty-four years, I purchased every Titanic book I could find, keeping an eye out for 1912 first editions, international printings included. (You wouldn’t believe some I’ve found! The biggest gems came from garage sales!) I became a member of the Titanic Historical Society. I purchased coal from the wreck site. Replicas of first class china. Postcards sent from the ship during its maiden voyage. In 1998, I was even invited to take part in a trip to the site where the Titanic sank to watch explorers and THS members bring up a piece of the hull.

Interest bleeds into obsession very quickly.

Since James Cameron’s Titanic hit the big screen, floods of books about the sinking have released, and there’s no possible way I can collect them all. (My bookshelves are STUFFED!) So instead of collecting every book, I only buy first editions. I scour eBay and hunt Craig’s List. I watch Titanic auctions and ALWAYS search the shelves of used bookstores for Titanic books when I pass by them.

I was lucky enough to travel to Ireland this summer with my family.

One of our stops was Queenstown (now Cobh), and was the last stop the Titanic made before pushing out to sea. I’m including a picture of the actual dock, where the passengers embarked on a smaller boat that took them to the Titanic deeper in the Harbor. Look at the original wood! The passengers stood there. Right there!


We also stopped in Belfast, Northern Ireland where the Titanic was built. In the picture below, I’m standing overlooking the dry dock where the Titanic was fitted. In the distance you can see Samson and Goliath, the Harland & Wolff Shipyard cranes that helped build the ship.


We went into the Titanic exhibit (I’ve been to the one in Las Vegas, too…twice), and I brought home a couple souvenirs. I walked the slipway. I stood beneath the cranes. I walked the narrow streets of the shipyard, imagining life for the men who worked on the ship. I was living in a dream.

So what do I do when I’m not writing?

I read, search, and collect. Most importantly of all, I remember.


Thanks so much for visiting us, Kristin! This is such a great post. There's a nice Titanic exhibit here in St. John's. :)

For more on Kristin and her books, check out these links:

Website | Facebook | Twitter

You can also check out the other stops on her tour:

Four Weddings and a Werewolf Banner 450 X 169



Four Weddings and a Werewolf by Kristin Miller (Seattle Wolf Pack #2)To have and to howl… Logan Black, former Marine and bodyguard for the Seattle Wolf Pack, hates weddings and has no plan to walk the path to matrimonial misery. But when he’s hired to protect a hot-to-trot wedding planner with a werewolf stalker, he’s forced to put his feelings aside. Not such an easy task when the damsel can turn him on with a single smoldering glance. Wedding planner Veronica Vale knows werewolves exist, but hates them. One bit her sister, changing their lives forever. When a sexy Marine shows his gorgeous face at one of her wedding appointments, Veronica finds it hard to focus on the task at hand. The chemistry drawing Logan and Veronica together seems fated, but with Logan’s playboy attitude, Veronica’s hatred for werewolves, and a stalker lurking in the shadows, these two need more than passion to keep them together.

Read an excerpt (scroll down)

Purchase: Amazon

And here's where it all began:

Gone with the Wolf by Kristin Miller (Seattle Wolf Pack #1)


giveaway banner

Kristin is giving away a custom keychain with wolf vows plus Kindle OR $69 gift-card if international.

Follow the Rafflecopter instructions to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Do you guys have suggestions for who you’d like to see featured on the blog? If so, you can make your suggestions on this page. No guarantees that your favourite authors will be able to participate but we’ll try!

Authors, would you like to visit  us? Please email me at jenn (at) tyngasreviews (dot) com and we’ll set it up!


Tynga is a 32 years old mom of two, from Montreal, working as a lab technician in an hospital specialized in heart disease. In her free time, she enjoys reading all things Paranormal and photography.

Follow Tynga on: Facebook | Twitter

4 People left their mark' :

  1. Great cover! Sounds like a great book!

  2. Thanks so much for having me today! You've got such a lovely blog to boot!

    If I'm ever in St. John, I'll have to stop by to see the exhibit. :)

  3. I've not read any of your books... but this one sounds wonderful! Count me in! Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I love shifters and werewolves and other night creatures.
